POS System Customized for Bar and Nightclubs
Find a wide variety of add-on software specifically designed to help expedite and accurately track bar orders in even the most hectic of nightlife situations.
With Repeat Round, a bartender can simply ring in prior drink orders for another round with one easy keystroke.
Drink Recipes educate the bartender on how to make a drink and provide other instructions like choosing the proper glass or garnish. Recipes can be printed, and the drink can be processed from the recipe lookup.
Beer Club is a marketing program that links up to 200 different beverage or food items to a “club.” If all 200 items are purchased, the customer wins a coupon, discount, or gift card. Build customer loyalty and encourage repeat visits!
One Touch Check Recall finds any open check with one keystroke. While other systems use a “pickup check” key, Future POS displays the checks on-screen for efficient recall.
Give your patrons an improved bar or nightclub experience with the help of the point of sale systems available with MSTAR POS.
Don't make your customers fight through a crowded bar or lounge just to get a drink or appetizer. Bring the service right to them.
Your bartenders will be on a first-name basis with your customers, thanks to having quick access to data and receipts.
Track and bring to an end over-pouring practices and other money-draining habits that may be hurting your bar business.
Our services include
Free 24/7 live support
Free 32 in-house techs
Free local support
Free installation
Free ongoing training
Free unlimited warranty
Fully customizable layouts
Free menu configuration
Free credit card integration
Call us today at (866) 590 6363 for a free demonstration of our state-of-the-art POS systems and see what MSTAR POS can do for you.