Tablets are a great option to Keep Your Business Moving
Tablet Features Include:
EMV pay at the table
3G to allow payment acceptance anywhere
Built-in barcode scanner for UPC scanning
Built-in GPS for delivery directions
Driver's license verification
Apple and Samsung Pay
Tablets & handhelds
Handheld devices allow servers to place customer orders and take payments, tableside, for faster service. Use tablets during busy times, or seasonally, like when you open your patio or side deck. Increase customer turnover by encouraging tableside orders. These devices integrate seamlessly with traditional touchscreens for a blended solution, allowing you to keep your existing touchscreen on the bar or server station and tablets out on the floor. MSTAR POS works with virtually any tablet, smartphone or handheld device on the market.
Technology is forcing businesses to adapt on a nearly daily basis. Keep your business on the move with the help of the professionals at MSTAR POS. We have tablet solutions to keep your restaurant mobile, no matter where you go. Each system offers full customization to fit your company's unique needs.
Our tablets allow you to seamlessly send orders to the kitchen, allow for your customers to pay at the table, and come equipped with 3G, GPS, and both Apple and Samsung Pay for all of your delivery needs.
Call us today at (866) 590-6363 for a FREE demonstration of our equipment, and receive FREE installation once you buy.
Our Services Include
Free menu configuration
Free menu updates
Free credit card integration
Free installation
Free shipping
You own the system!
Fully customizable layouts
32 in-house techs
Free local support